πŸ’₯New Kickstarter incoming!πŸ’₯

Hey co-conspirators!

Puppet Master is launching a new Kickstarter!

As you know we had one last March (just as the pandemic started hitting hard πŸ™„) and did not reach our goal. But there's no way to keep a good secret society down; we just come back wiser and more vicious than ever!

I really appreciate all the support you have shown, even in the simple things as following my devlog. It really means a lot to know there's people out there that are interested in my game. As thanks I want to create a series of special tiers for the community, with special scenarios, pricing and more.

Click here to follow the campaign

Share that link all you want. Induct your friends and family! Infiltrate Social Networks! Together we can bring the Shadow Government Simulator to life!

Happy Conspiring!


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