๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธ Beta phase starts now!

Hello fellow co-conspirators!

It's finally here....the glorious beta is now live! 

I want to thank each and every one of you for helping SGS get to this point. 

The emails with instructions on how to access the beta have been sent. If you didn't recieve it, and your backer tier includes beta access, first make sure you've answered the kickstarter survey. If you did and still can't find the key, shoot me a DM and we'll figure it out :) 

If you're not yet part of the beta, but want to join in; support the project on indiegogo. I'll give you beta access asap.

I know you all have questions, so let me answer some of the most common ones I've heard:

  • What can I expect from the beta?

The game being in beta means that it is feature complete; i.e. all the gameplay systems that are meant to be in the game are there. However, there is still much to do in terms of bug-fixing and polish. In particular I want to make sure the game difficulty ramps up nicely and it isn't way too easy or hard. If this means that we need to add/remove certain elements or re-build them from the ground up; so be it. Giving y'all a good experience is the most important thing.

  • What will you be working on next?

While waiting for data and feedback to be collected my main focus will be localization. I want to make sure you can conquer the world from anywhere in the world ;) Of course, the beta takes priority, and if there's a major bug, I'll switch to that instead.

  • How long will the beta phase last?

Honestly, I don't know; it depends on the feedback I get. Given the number of people testing the game, I expect it to be a few months. 

  • How does this affect the bi-weekly alpha releases?

All the effort will now move to the beta, so the alpha will no longer be released regularly. I might still use the branch now and then if there's some experiment I want to try; but it won't be scheduled.

  • What will happen to the devlog?

Communication is the main thing that differentiates us indies from AAA, so I want to keep that really open. I'll keep sending updates every 2 weeks. Even if they end up being mostly bug fixes.... I'll find a way to keep them interesting. The important thing is for y'all to know the game is still being worked on.

If you have any other questions or comments, let me know! For the moment however go download the game and...

Happy conspiring!


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